art director / designer / color enthusiast

Louder Than Guns


On average, 100 people are killed by guns in the U.S. every day. That’s 100 lives of friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers lost every single day due to mass shootings, school shootings, gang violence, and more. This reality has been increasingly normalized in American culture and it is something we can not stand for anymore. We don’t need another moment of silence, we need real moments of action.

Together with the Mayor’s Youth Council to End Gun Violence in Los Angeles, we decided to do something about it. Through many meetings with the students, interviews and research, we came up with the two-part Louder Than Guns Campaign.

Our campaign was featured on Ad Age, Los Angeles Times, The Drum, Little Black Book, and more.

Art Directors: Chelsea Oz & Kailey Riggen
Copywriters: Daniel Paredes & Chad Goodnoe
CDs: Tiffani Harcrow & Jimmy Barker
Work created at Omelet



When we started working on this project, the one year anniversary of the Parkland shooting was approaching and we had the unfortunate realization that the momentum and demand for change had slowed down. In order to recharge the movement, we set out to shock Angelenos and give them the wake-up call they needed to take action. For the first part of our campaign, we painted the picture a not-so-distant dystopian future of what the world could look like with gun violence insurance. Complete with bold headlines of our multiple “offerings,” leading viewers to a phone number and website to learn more.

Our posters and social ads drove viewers to call our hotline: 833-GUNSURE. There, callers were able to get a deeper understanding of our campaign and further solidify that while the insurance isn’t real, the issue of gun violence certainly is. Callers were asked at the end of the recording to leave a message with their personal stories related to gun violence, and the results were heartbreaking. We turned a few stories into social posts to make sure that all voices are being heard, and hopefully inspire others to take action.

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Once people landed on our website they were introduced to the second part of our campaign. A bright and vibrant turn from the previously bleak insurance ads, Actions Speak Louder Than Guns is a rallying cry for all Americans to come together to make a difference. Whether it be just signing a petition, or downloading the toolkit of assets they could use to engage their communities, we wanted to make sure that people knew no matter how small or large an action may be, it can make a big impact.



While the first portion of our campaign received a lot of attention, (check out some news coverage here, here or here) the most important part wasn’t released until a few weeks later. On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, we released our rallying cry to the public with bus shelters around Los Angeles, and featured stories from the real students we worked with on this campaign. It’s so often where the youth’s voices go unheard on matters of such importance, so we wanted to make sure to give them the platform to speak the loudest.